Title: Temperature-Controlled Catheter Ablation for Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation: The QDOT-MICRO Workflow Study
Title: Diagnostic Utility of Smartwatch Technology for Atrial Fibrillation Detection – A Systematic Analysis
Title: Catheter Ablation for Hospitalized Atrial FibrillationPatients with Reduced Systolic Function:Analysis of Inpatient Mortality, Resource Utilization and Complications
Title: Cardiac Neuroanatomy For The Cardiac Electrophysiologist
Credits: Peter Hanna, Jeffrey L. Ardell, Kalyanam Shivkumar
Title: Unexpecteddetection of Floating Thrombi in Left Atrium After Left Atrial Appendage Ligation With Atriclip Device: A Case Report
Credits: Sana N. Buttar, MD, Peter B. Hansen MD, Christian Hassager, MD,Henrik . Andersen, MD
Title: Confirmation of Pulmonary Vein Isolation with High-Density Mapping: Comparison to Traditional Workflows
Title: Left Atrial Appendage Morphology as a Determinant for Stroke Risk Assessment In Atrial Fibrillation Patients: Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis
Credits: Abu Rmilah Anan, Jumah, Fareed, Jaber, Suhaib, Roubi, Rafat, Daana, Murad, Bsisu, Isam, Muamar, Tariq, Erwin, Patricia, Egbe, Alexander, Vaibha, Vaidya, Noseworthy, Peter A, Deshmukh, Abhishek
Title: The Impact of Repeated Cardioversions for Atrial Fibrillation on Stroke, Hospitalizations, and Catheter Ablation Outcomes
Title: Prognostic Value of Atrial Fibrillation Inducibility in Patients without History of Clinical Atrial Fibrillation
Title: Screening for Atrial Fibrillation in a High Risk Population: Update on the REVEAL AF Study
Title: Use of Acoustic Cardiography Immediately Following Electrical Cardioversion to Predict Relapse of Atrial Fibrillation
Title: Managing Antiplatelet Therapy and Anticoagulants in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease and Atrial Fibrillation
Credits: Zubair Shah, Vinod Jeevanantham, Peter Tadros
Title: Routine Implant of Biventricular Devices Guided by an Electroanatomic Mapping System - Ready for Prime-time?
Credits: Kim H. Chan, Peter A. Santucci
Title: Renal Denervation and Pulmonary Vein Isolation in Patients with Drug Resistant Hypertension and Symptomatic Atrial Fibrillation
Credits: Scott Wilson, Peter Kistler, Alex J McLellan, Dagmara Hering, Markus P Schlaich
Title: Optimization of Stroke Prophylaxis Strategies in Nonvalvular AF –Drugs, Devices or Both?
Credits: Amit Noheria, MBBS, SM, Faisal F. Syed, MBChB, MRCP, Christopher V. DeSimone, MD,PhD, Samuel J. Asirvatham, MD.
Title: Evaluation of Patients with Early Repolarization Syndrome
Credits: Saagar Mahida MBChB, Frederic Sacher, MD, Benjamin Berte, MD, Seigo Yamashita, MD, PhD, Han Lim, MBBS, PhD, Nicolas Derval, MD, Arnaud Denis, MD, Ashok Shah, MD, Sana Amraoui, MD, Meleze Hocini, MD, Pierre Jais, MD, Michel Haissaguerre, MD.
Title: Understanding and Managing Atrial Fibrillation in Patients with Kidney Disease
Credits: Yazan Khouri, Tiona Stephens, Gloria Ayuba, Hazim Al-Ameri, Nour Juratli, Peter A. McCullough
Title: Effect of catheter ablation on quality of life in atrial fibrillation
Credits: Jorge Gonzalez, Laurent Macle, Marc W. Deyell, Matthew T. Bennett, Marc Dubuc, Katia Dyrda, Peter G. Guerra, Paul Khairy, Blandine Mondesert, Léna Rivard, Denis Roy, Mario Talajic, Bernard Thibault, Jason G. Andrade
Title: Silent Cerebral Events after Atrial Fibrillation Ablation – Overview and Current Data
Credits: Thomas Deneke, Karin Nentwich, Joachim Krug, Patrick Müller, Peter Hubert Grewe, Andreas Mügge, Anja Schade
Title: Preserving Cognitive Function in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation
Credits: Tina Lin MD, Erik Wissner MD, Roland Tilz MD, Andreas Rillig MD, Shibu Mathew MD, Peter Rausch MD, Christine Lemes MD, Sebastian Deiss MD, Masashi Kamioka MD, Tudor Bucur MD, Feifan Ouyang MD, Karl-Heinz Kuck MD, Andreas Metzner MD
Title: Left atrial appendage exclusion for stroke prevention in patients with nonrheumatic atrial fibrillation
Credits: Dr. Peter B. Sick
Title: Do omega-3 fatty acids decrease the incidence of atrial fibrillation?
Credits: Peter Ofman, M.D., M.Sc, Adelqui Peralta, M.D., Peter Hoffmeister, M.D, J. Michael Gaziano, M.D., M.P.H, Luc Djousse, M.D., M.P.H., Sc.D
Title: The 894G Allele of the Endothelial Nitric Oxide synthase 3 (eNOS) is Associated with Atrial Fibrillation in Chronic Systolic Heart Failure
Credits: Fuad Fares PhD, Yoav Smith PhD, Naiel Azzam PhD, Barak Zafrir MD, Basil S. Lewis, MD, FRCP, Offer Amir, MD
Title: Should Physicians Continue to Recommend Fish Oil for Patients with Atrial Fibrillation?
Credits: Victoria M. Robinson MBChB, BMedSci (Hons), Peter R. Kowey MD, FACC, FHRS, FAHA.
Title: Trends in the Management of Atrial Fibrillation: A Neurologist’s Perspective.
Credits: Fawzi Abukhalil, Aakash Bodhit, Peter Y Cai, Saeed Ansari, Spandana Thenkabail, Sarah Ganji, Pradeepan Saravanapavan, Chandana Chandra Shekhar, Michael F Waters, Thomas M Beaver, Vishnumurthy Shushrutha Hedna
Title: Predictors of Recurrence After Catheter Ablation of Persistent Atrial Fibrillation
Credits: Thomas Deneke, Anja Schade, Joachim Krug, Karsten Stahl, Geza-Atilla Szollosi, Dong-In Shin, Clemens Nino Schukro, Mohamed E Tarahony, Enrique Murillo, Semko Aram, Gabriele Robhirt, Thomas Lawo, Andreas Mugge, Peter H. Grewe, Sebastian Kerber
Title: Treating AF with Cryo Balloon Technology
Credits: David R. Altmann, MD, Sven Knecht, PhD, Christian Sticherling, MD, Peter Ammann, MD, Beat Schaer, MD, Stefan Osswald, MD, Michael Kühne, MD
Title: The Relationship between Atrial Fibrillation and Chronic Kidney Disease: Epidemiologic and Pathophysiologic Considerations for a Dual Epidemic
Credits: David D. McManus MD, Jane S. Saczynski PhD, Jeanine A. Ward MD PhD, Khushleen Jaggi MD, Peter Bourrell MD, Chad Darling MD, Robert J. Goldberg PhD
Title: South Asians are under-represented in a clinic treating atrial fibrillation in a multicultural city in the UK
Credits: MH Tayebjee MD, MRCP, K Tyndall RN, S Holding RN, C Russell RN, LN Graham PhD, MRCP, CB Pepper MD, FRCP.
Title: Microwave Ablation in Mitral Valve Surgery for Atrial Fibrillation (MAMA)
Credits: Anders Jönsson, Mika Lehto, Henrik Ahn, Ulf Hermansson, Peter Linde, Anders Ahlsson, Juhani Koistinen, Jukka Savola, Pekka Raatikainen, Martti Lepojärvi, Antero Sahlman, Kalervo Werkkala, Lauri Toivonen, Håkan Walfridsson
Title: Role of Echocardiography in Atrial Fibrillation Ablation
Credits: Andrew C. Y. To MBChB, Allan L. Klein MD
Title: Septic Shock due to Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator Related Infection
Credits: David Palmer, MBBS, BSc, MRCP, Aleem Khand, MBChB, MRCP, MD
Title: Gender and Racial Characteristics of Patients Referred to a Tertiary Atrial Fibrillation Center
Credits: Pamela K. Mason, MD, Liza Moorman, RN, ACNP-BC, Douglas E. Lake, PhD, J. Michael Mangrum, MD, John P. DiMarco, MD, PhD, John D. Ferguson, MBChB, MD, Srijoy Mahapatra, MD, Kenneth C. Bilchick, MD, David Wiggins, BS, RN, J. Paul Mounsey, MD, PhD, J. Randall Moorman, MD
Title: Use of Ivabradine in Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome
Credits: Jamil-Copley S, MRCP, Nagarajan DV, MRCP, Baig MK, MD, FRCP, FESC, FACC
Title: Atrial Fibrillation Susceptibility Alleles on Chromosome 4q25 Modulate Response to Catheter Ablation
Credits: Dawood Darbar MBChB, MD, FACC
Title: Pulmonary Vein Isolation using a High Density Mesh Ablator Catheter: incorporation of three-dimensional navigation and mapping
Credits: Dr Jiun Tuan, MBChB, MRCP, Dr Mohamed Jeilan, MBChB, MRCP, Dr Faizel Osman, MBChB, MD, MRCP, Dr Suman Kundu, MBChB, MRCP, Dr Rajkumar Mantravadi, MBBS, PhD MRCP, Dr Peter J Stafford, MBChB, MD, FRCP, Dr G André Ng, MBChB, PhD, FRCP(Glasg), FRCP(London)
Title: Percutaneous Left Atrial Appendage Exclusion Therapy: Who, Why and How?
Credits: Sven Möbius-Winkler, M.D, Ingo Dähnert, Gerhard C. Schuler M.D, Peter B. Sick MD
Affiliation: Dr A H Abdelhafiz is a consultant geriatrician and lead of geriatric department at Rotherham General Hospital, Uk. He is also an honorary senior clinical lecturer at Sheffield University, Uk. He has interest and several publications in the feild of anticoagulation of atrial fibrillation in older people.
Affiliation: Consultant Stroke, Geriatrics and General Internal Medicine. Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer and Department Research Lead Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Foundation NHS Trust and University of Sheffield, UK. Main research interests include health economics, effects of aerobic exercise after stroke, and rehabilitation devices in stroke and geriatrics.
Affiliation: Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar, and Consultant Clinical Cardiologist at Hamad Medical Corporation, Doha, Qatar. Research interests include; Atrial Fibrillation, Lipids, Resuscitation, Stroke and Novel Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy.
Affiliation: Professor of Medicine, Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Chief of Arrhythmia Section, Mount Sinai St Luke’s Hospital. Dr Mehta is a graduate from India. He did cardiology training in the UK in Leicester. He did EP training at St George’s Hospital in London where he was awarded a PhD for work on non-ischemic VT and signal-averaging. He has been faculty and staff electrophysiologist at Mount Sinai School of Medicine for last 23 years.
Affiliation: David Turpie MbChB MRCP(UK) BSc is a Cardiology Senior trainee at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary. He is a graduate of the University of Aberdeen (MbChB) and the University of Strathclyde (BSc). He is specialising in Interventional Cardiology.
Affiliation: Cardiac Electrophysiologist at Hospital Virgen de la Salud, Toledo, Spain. MBChB in 2007, University of Leicester Medical School, UK. Specialist training in Cardiology in 2014 and Fellow in Cardiac Electrophysiology in 2015 at the Cardiac Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology Unit, Hospital Virgen de la Salud, Toledo, Spain.
Affiliation: Jeff Healey is the director of arrhythmia services at Hamilton Health Sciences, Professor of medicine at McMaster University and the Population Health Research Institute Chair in Cardiology Research. He is also the principal investigator and chair of the Canadian Stroke Prevention Intervention Network (CSPIN), which is conducting a series of clinical trials related to atrial fibrillation and stroke prevention and will also support the development of new Canadian researchers in this field. He is the past co-chair of the Canadian Cardiovascular Society’s Atrial Fibrillation Guidelines Committee and past chair of the Cardiac Care Network of Ontario’s Heart Rhythm Working group.
Affiliation: John Somberg is currently a Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology at Rush University in Chicago. He also serves as Chief the Division of Clinical Pharmacology and the Director of the Masters in Clinical Research Program at Rush University. Dr. Somberg is the Editor of the American Therapeutics and has served for 14 years on the Circulatory Device Advisory Panel with the FDA. Dr. Somberg completed a cardiology fellowship at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Harvard Medical School, ran the Cardiac Arrhythmia Service at Albert Einstein and was the Chief of Cardiology at the Chicago Medical School prior to his current position. His areas of specialization are anti-arrhythmic pharmacology and drug and device development.
Affiliation: Dr Sami graduated from Cairo University in 1969. He emigrated to Canada in 1971. He specialized in cardiology and obtained his FRCP(c) in 1976 and has subsequently trained in clinical research and clinical electrophysiology at Stanford University, from 1977-1979. He is currently professor of medicine at McGill and a senior Cardiologist at the Mc Gill University Hospital Center (MUHC). His main interest is clinical arrhythmia management and research as well as teaching. He has published more than 200 manuscripts as well as numerous abstracts and book chapters on arrhythmias and antiarrhythmic drugs.
Affiliation: Dr Barman is currently affiliated with Cardiac care center in Al Ahli Hospital Qatar. An internist by heart and specialist Cardiologist by profession, he has diverse clinical and leadership experience. Significant accomplishments in developing managed care services integrating delivery systems, improving quality and utilization management programs and coaching medical staff on healthcare business and practice issues.
Affiliation: Paul Broadhurst MD FRCP FESC FHRS has been Consultant Cardiologist at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary and Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Aberdeen since 2002. He is a graduate of the University of Dundee and trained in cardiology at St Bartholomew's Hospital, London. His main clinical and research interests are in various aspects of clinical electrophysiology.
Affiliation: Dr. Peter Ofman is currently an electrophysiology and preventive cardiology fellow at the VA Boston Healthcare System, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School. His clinical interests include all aspects of arrhythmias diagnosis and treatment as well as device implantation. He is participating in various research projects in the areas of epidemiology, prevention and treatment of atrial fibrillation, diastolic dysfucntion, new non-invasive diagnostic tools (such as speckle tracking), pacemakers, defibrillators and cardiac resynchronization therapy.
Affiliation: Dr Santucci is a Professor of Medicine and Clinical Electrophysiologist at Loyola University in Maywood, Illinois, where he serves as Director of the CIED Program and as the EP Fellowship Program Director.
Affiliation: Division of Cardiovascular Diseases, Mid America Cardiology, University of Kansas Hospital and Medical Center, Kansas City, KS.
Affiliation: Priv.-Doz. Peter Sick, MD is director of the department of Cardiology, Hospital Barmherzige Brueder Regensburg. He is one of the pioneers in LAA-occlusion techniques. First feasibility study with the Watchman device was performed under his guidance at the Leipzig heart center and he was senior author of the protect AF-Trial, which was the first randomized comparison between LAA-occlusion and oral anticoagulation therapy in atrial fibrillation.
Affiliation: Rayaz Malik is a Professor of Medicine and Consultant Physician in the Centre for Endocrinology & Diabetes, Manchester Royal Infirmary and University of Manchester. He obtained his BSc., MSc., and MB ChB from the University of Aberdeen and his PhD from the University of Manchester. He is an expert in the pathogenesis, assessment and treatment of diabetic neuropathy and cardiomyopathy and has published and presented extensively on this. He was the immediate past Chairman of Neurodiab, the diabetic neuropathy study group of the EASD.
Affiliation: HôpitalCardiologique du Haut-Lévêque and the Université Victor Segalen Bordeaux II, Bordeaux, France
Affiliation: Electrical Engineer and deputy director of Peter Osypka Institute for Pacing and Ablation at Offenburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany. Actually his postgraduate research focusses on engineering solutions for educational simulations on electrostimulation and radiofrequency-ablation and provides trainings for medical engineering students, fellows and practicing physicians. This work was awarded by the German Association for the Promotion of Science and Humanities as innovation in university education.
Affiliation: Ujjwal Rastogi is currently the congestive heart failure fellow at the James J Peter VA Medical Center affiliated with Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York. He completed his residency in internal medicine at Saint Peters University Hospital, New Jersey.
Affiliation: Jeff Healey is the director of arrhythmia services at Hamilton Health Sciences, Professor of medicine at McMaster University and the Population Health Research Institute Chair in Cardiology Research. He is also the principal investigator and chair of the Canadian Stroke Prevention Intervention Network (CSPIN), which is conducting a series of clinical trials related to atrial fibrillation and stroke prevention and will also support the development of new Canadian researchers in this field. He is the past co-chair of the Canadian Cardiovascular Society’s Atrial Fibrillation Guidelines Committee and past chair of the Cardiac Care Network of Ontario’s Heart Rhythm Working group.
Affiliation: Professor of Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology Jefferson Medical College Chief, Division of Cardiovascular Diseases, Main Line Health System The William Wikoff Smith Chair in Cardiovascular Research Lankenau Hospital and Medical Research Center Wynnewood, PA
Affiliation: Specialist for internal medicine, invasive and noninvasive cardiology. Research in electrophysiology and cardiac imaging. Director of the Hospital Unterallgaeu and Head of the Department Internal Medicine and Cardiology. Lectures at the University of Munich.
Affiliation: Dr. Salvatore Rosanio joined the University of North Texas Health Science Center (UNTHSC), Fort Worth, TX in December 2012 as Professor of Medicine and as Attending Cardiologist at John Peter Smith Hospital and Columbia Plaza Medical Center in Fort Worth, TX. Dr. Rosanio has authored and co-authored significant research contributions in the fields of stress echocardiography, invasive cardiology, electrophysiology and cardiac pacing published by the top journals in the field, such as Circulation, the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, JAMA and the New England Journal of Medicine.
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