Title: Emergency Physician Patterns Related to Anticoagulation of Patients with Recent-Onset Atrial Fibrillation and Flutter
Credits: Paraish Misra, MD, Eddy S. Lang, MD, Catherine M. Clement, RN, Robert J. Brison, MD, MPH, Brian H. Rowe, MD, MSc, Bjug Borgundvaag, MD, PhD, Trevor Langhan, MD, Kirk Magee, MD, MSc, Rob Stenstrom, MD, PhD, Jeffrey J. Perry, MD, MSc, David Birnie, MD, George A. Wells, PhD, X. Xue MSc, G. Innes, MD, Ian G. Stiell, MD, MSc
Affiliation: Eddy Lang is an Associate Professor in the Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of Family Medicine at the University of Calgary and holds the position of Senior Researcher with Alberta Health Services. He is a member of the Thrombosis Interest Group of Canada where he has contributed to the development of guidelines on anticoagulation-related bleeding management. His areas of interest are knowledge translation, evidence-based medicine and operations research. Dr. Lang is a member of the GRADE working group and has led the development of GRADE-based clinical practice guidelines in pre-hospital care in the US. Dr. Lang is also an award-winning educator having received recognition at both the university, national and international levels.
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