Title: 3D Mapping for PVI- Geometry, Image Integration and Incorporation of Contact Force into Work Flow
Title: Tumor or Thrombus? The Role of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Differentiating Left Atrial Mass in A Transplanted Heart: A Case Report
Title: Emergency covered stent implantation for rupture of a pulmonary vein after balloon angioplasty for postinterventional pulmonary vein stenosis
Credits: Sebastian Hilbert, MD, Silke John, MD, Frank-Thomas Riede, MD, Arash Arya, MD, Ingo Paetsch, MD, Cosima Jahnke, MD, Gerhard Hindricks, MD, Andreas Bollmann, MD, PhD
Title: Percutaneous Left Atrial Appendage Exclusion Therapy: Who, Why and How?
Credits: Sven Möbius-Winkler, M.D, Ingo Dähnert, Gerhard C. Schuler M.D, Peter B. Sick MD
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