Title: Extreme Obesity is Associated with Low Success Rate of Atrial Fibrillation Catheter Ablation
Credits: Toshimasa Okabe, MD, Benjamin Buck, MD, Samuel A. Hayes MD, Thura T.Harfi MD, MPH, Muhammad R. Afzal, MD, Jaret Tyler, MD, Mahmoud Houmsse, MD, Steven J. Kalbfleisch, MD, Raul Weiss, MD, John D. Hummel, MD, Ralph S. Augostini, MD, Emile G. Daoud, MD
Affiliation: Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and a clinical investigator with a passion for improving the risk stratification and emergency department (ED) treatment of patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). He decided on atrial fibrillation (AF) as my research area based on my fascination with the arrhythmia, clinical frustrations treating patients with AF, the lack of ED-based patient oriented AF research and the increasing prevalence of the disease. Emergency physicians, without clear guidelines on patient management, hospitalize nearly 3 of 4 ED patients with AF leading to substantial use of healthcare resources. Currently, He supported as PI by a NHLBI K23 investigating the risk stratification of patients with AF. He was awarded the Emergency Medicine Foundation Young Investigator Award.
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