Title: Adjunctive Vein of Marshall Ethanol Infusion During Atrial Fibrillation Ablation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Title: Preferential Conduction Properties along the Left Lateral Ridge and the Arrhythmogenicity of the Left Pulmonary Veins in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation
Credits: Toshiya Kurotobi, MD PhD, Yoshihisa Shimada, MD PhD, Naoto Kino, MD, Kazato Ito, MD, Kosuke Takehara, MD, Daisuke Tonomura, MD, Tomohiro Nakashoji MD, Kentaro Yano, MD, Chiharu Tanaka, MD, Masataka Yoshida, MD. PhD, Takao Tsuchida, MD PhD, Hitoshi Fukumoto, MD PhD
Title: Atrial Fibrillation After Lung Transplantation: Incidence, Predictors and Long-Term Implications
Credits: Santiago Garcia, MD, Mariana Canoniero, MD, Srinivasan Sattiraju, MD, Lin Y. Chen, MD, Wayne Adkisson, MD, Marshall Hertz, MD, David G. Benditt, MD
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