Title: UBLED AF (Uninterrupted BLackpool EDoxaban vs Warfarin vs Rivaroxaban in Atrial Fibrillation/Flutter ablation) Study
Credits: Narendra Kumar, Noha Elbanhawy, Moinuddin Choudhury, Rahul Potluri, Shajil Chalil, Khalid Abozguia
Title: Catheter Ablation for Hospitalized Atrial FibrillationPatients with Reduced Systolic Function:Analysis of Inpatient Mortality, Resource Utilization and Complications
Title: CLOSE - Guided Pulmonary Vein Isolation and Changes in Local Bipolar and Unipolar Atrial Electrograms: Observations from the Cathlab
Credits: Mathieu Coeman, MD, Milad E Haddad, MSc, PhD, Michael Wolf, MD, Rajin Choudhury, MD, Yves Vandekerckhove, MD, Sebastien Knecht, MD, PhD, Rene Tavernier MD, PhD, Mattias Duytschaever, MD, PhD
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