Title: Superior vena CAVA Isolation by Cryoballoon in Addition to Pulmonary Vein Isolation in Atrial Fibrillation Ablation Patients. A Randomized Trial. CAVAC AF Trial. Study Rationale and Design
Title: Atrial Fibrillation in Heart Failure Patients with Preserved or Reduced Ejection Fraction. Prognostic significance of Rhythm control strategy with Catheter Ablation
Title: Current Safety of Pulmonary Vein Isolation in Atrial Fibrillation: First expierence of Same Day Discharge.
Title: Long-Term Evolution of Patients Treated for Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation with First and Second Generation Cryoballoon Catheter Ablation with a Prospective Protocol Guided by Complete Bidirectional Left Atrium-Pulmonary Veins Disconnection after Adenosine as Main Target end Point to achieved. Seven Years Follow-up of Patients with a rough estimation profile of Low ALARMEc Score. A Single Center Report
Credits: Jesus M. Paylos, Aracelis Morales, Luis Azcona, Marisol Paradela, Raquel Yagüe, Fernando Gómez-Guijarro, Lourdes Lacal, Clara Ferrero, Octavio Rodríguez
Title: First And Second-Generation Cryoballoon Ablation Efficacy Restoring And Maintaining Sinus Rhythm In Patients Electrically Selected And Treated For Long-Standing Persistent Atrial Fibrillation After Acute Complete Electrical Disconnection Of Pulmonary Veins From The Left Atrium Demonstrated
Credits: Jesus M. Paylos, Luis Azcona, Lourdes Lacal, Octavio Rodríguez, Marisol Paradela, Carmen Cilleros, Ildefonso del Campo, Clara Ferrero, Carlos Martínez, Aracelis Morales
Title: The Cost Effectiveness of LAA Exclusion
Credits: Bahij Kreidieh, Moisés Rodríguez-Mañero, Sergio H. Ibarra-Cortez, Paul Schurmann, Miguel Valderrábano
Title: Atrial fibrillation ablation in adults with repaired congenital heart disease
Credits: Marta Acena MD, Ignasi Anguera MD PhD, Paolo D. Dallaglio MD, Marcos Rodriguez MD, Xavier Sabaté MD PhD
Title: Review of obesity and atrial fibrillation: exploring the paradox
Credits: González-Cambeiro, María Cristina, Abu-Assi, Emad, Raposeiras-Roubín, Sergio, Rodriguez-Mañero, Moisés, González-Juanatey, José Ramón
Title: Atrioventricular Junction Ablation in Atrial Fibrillation: Choosing The Right Patient and Pacing Device
Credits: Finn Akerström, Moisés Rodríguez-Mañero, Marta Pachón, Alberto Puchol, X. Alberte Fernández-López, Luis Martínez-Sande, Miguel Valderrábano MD, Miguel A. Arias.
Title: Non Invasive ECG Mapping to Guide Catheter Ablation
Credits: Ashok J. Shah, Han S. Lim, Seigo Yamashita, Stephan Zellerhoff, Benjamin Berte, Saagar Mahida, Darren Hooks, Nora Aljefairi, Nicolas Derval, Arnaud Denis, Frederic Sacher, Pierre Jais, Remi Dubois, Meleze Hocini, Michel Haissaguerre
Title: Evaluation of Patients with Early Repolarization Syndrome
Credits: Saagar Mahida MBChB, Frederic Sacher, MD, Benjamin Berte, MD, Seigo Yamashita, MD, PhD, Han Lim, MBBS, PhD, Nicolas Derval, MD, Arnaud Denis, MD, Ashok Shah, MD, Sana Amraoui, MD, Meleze Hocini, MD, Pierre Jais, MD, Michel Haissaguerre, MD.
Title: “Exploring the obesity paradox in atrial fibrillation. AFBAR (Atrial Fibrillation BARbanza area) record results”
Credits: M. Cristina González-Cambeiro, Emad Abu-Assia, Sergio Raposeiras-Roubína, Moisés Rodríguez-Mañeroa, Fernando Otero-Raviña, José R. González-Juanateya, Genaro Gutiérrez-Fernández, Rosa Liñares-Stolle, Jorge Alvear-García, Mª Jesús Eirís-Cambre, Carmen Cerqueiras-Alcalde, Mª José Vázquez Lópeze, Ángel Lado-Llerena
Title: Two-year follow-up in atrial fibrillation patients referred for catheter ablation of the atrioventricular node
Credits: Moisés Rodríguez-Mañero, Claudia Pujol Salvador, Luis Martínez-Sande, Carlo de Asmundis, Gian-Battista Chierchia, Alfonso Macías Gallego, Xulio A. Fernández-López, Juan José Gavira-Gómez, Javier García-Seara, Naira Calvo, Pedro Brugada, José Ramón González-Juanatey, Ignacio García-Bolao
Title: Conversion of recent-onset atrial fibrillation: Which drug is the best?
Credits: Diego Conde, Pablo Elissamburu, Nicolas Lalor Leandro Rodriguez, Martin Aragon, Juan Pablo Costabel, Florencia Lambardi, Marcelo Trivi
Credits: Hornero F, Martín E, Mena-Durán, AV, Rodríguez R, Castellà M, Porras C, Romero B, Maroto L, Pérez de la Sota E, Echevarría M, Dalmau MJ, Díez L, Buendía J, Enríquez F, Castaño M, Reyes G, Ginel A, Pérez M, Barquero J, Jiménez A, Castedo E, Pradas G, Gómez M
Title: The progressive nature of atrial fibrillation: A rationale for early restoration and maintenance of sinus rhythm
Credits: Ashok J Shah, Meleze Hocini, Yuki Komatsu, Matthew Daly, Stephan Zellerhoff, Laurence Jesel, Sana Amaroui, Khaled Ramoul, Arnaud Denis, Nicolas Derval, Frederic Sacher, Pierre Jais, Michel Haissaguerre
Title: Prophylactic Antiarrhythmic Drug Therapy in Atrial Fibrillation
Credits: Dr. Moisés Rodríguez-Mañero
Title: Statin and Atrial Fibrilation. When does it work?
Credits: Laurent Fauchier MD, PhD, Nicolas Clementy MD, Bertrand Pierre MD, Dominique Babuty MD, PhD
Title: Comments on: Clinical Significance of Early Recurrences of Atrial Tachycardia After Atrial Fibrillation Ablation by Choi JI et al
Credits: Nicolas Lellouche MD
Title: Leukocyte Atrial Fibrillation Filtration Study
Credits: Albert H. O-Yurvati, Steven Rodriguez, Glen Bell, Damon Kennedy, Robert T. Mallet
Affiliation: Cardiovascular Division, UZ Brussel-VUB, Brussels, Belgium
Affiliation: Dr. Moisés Rodríguez-Mañero has been an active EHRA fellow (European Heart Rhythm Association) in the Heart Rhytm Management Centre, Brussels, under the supervision of prof.
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