Title: Assessment of Left Atrial Function in Patients with Paroxysmal, Persistent, and Permanent Atrial Fibrillation Using Two-Dimensional Strain.
Title: Laser catheter ablation of long- lasting persistent atrial fibrillation: Long term results
Credits: Helmut Weber, MD, Michaela Sagerer-Gerhardt, MD, Armin Heinze, Dipl. Ing. (FH)
Title: Influence of novel electrocardiographic features of provocable Brugada ECG in arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy and its exclusion by lead aVR
Credits: Stefan Peters
Title: Mechanisms and Management of Thrombo-Embolism in Atrial Fibrillation
Credits: Francesco Violi, Daniele Pastori, Pasquale Pignatelli
Title: Atrial fibrillation in heart failure: new directions in diagnosis, risk assessment and risk reduction.
Credits: Dr Richard Till, Prof artin Cowie
Title: Left atrial image registration to guide catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation: In the eye of the technology
Credits: Ósmar Antonio Centurión MD, PhD, FACC
Affiliation: He is a physician at the Medicine Institute, Cleveland Clinic Ohio. He graduated with honors from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi India after which he was invited to join as a research fellow in Cardiovascular Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic under the mentorship of Prof.Samir Kapadia. Akhil has authored over 40 scientific manuscripts and research abstracts. He has presented his work in multiple national and international cardiology meetings including the AHA, ACC and TCT.
Affiliation: Bruno Schwagten graduated as a cardiologist in September 2007. In Oktober 2007, he started his fellowship in clinical Electrophysiology at the Thoraxcenter, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands under the supervision of Prof. Dr. L. Jordaens. He completed his PhD thesis entitled `Faster, safer and better catheter ablation?` under the auspices of Prof. Dr. L. Jordaens and Dr. T. Szili-Torok. He works as an electrophysiologist at the Middelheim hospital in Antwerp, Belgium. He is trained in working with all common tools used in electrophysiology such as cryotherapy, radiofrequency ablation, CARTO and Ensite systems, but his major expertise is performing electrophysiologic procedures remotely using the Magnetic Navigation System. He is a board member of the nucleus of the Belgium Heart Rhythm Association and faculty of the Society of Cardiac Robotic Navigation.
Affiliation: Professor of Cardiology and Director of the Cardiac Arrhythmia Research Center of Centro Cardiologico Monzino- University of Milan. A world recognized leader in the field of electrophysiology, Prof. Claudio Tondo is a dedicated clinician and researcher. He has been Director of the Cardiac Arrhythmia and Heart Failure Research Institute San Camillo-Forlanini Hospital and Co-Director of the Electrophysiology Experimental Laboratory, Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy.
Affiliation: Dominik Linz studied medicine at the Universities of Mainz/Germany and Maastricht/The Netherlands. He started his career in cardiac electrophysiology as a member of the Dept. of Physiology in Maastricht with Prof. Schotten and defended his PhD-thesis “Experimental Studies on New Therapeutic Approaches in Atrial Fibrillation“ at Maastricht University. Since 2010, he follows an internship at the Dept. of Cardiology in Homburg/Germany. Main research topics are: Cellular and integrated action of antiarrhythmic drugs, electrophysiological effects of modulators of the autonomic nervous system, and the development of substrates for the perpetuation of atrial fibrillation.
Affiliation: He was graduated Medical Doctor at the University of Padua discussing with Prof. Sergio Dalla Volta the thesis “Cardiovascular effects of acute and chronic exposure to the high altitude hypoxia”. In February 03 1997 he obtained the Diploma of Specialist in Cardiology at the University of Padua. He worked at the Department of Cardiology of the Ospedale Civile of Mirano (Venice), where he was Chief of the Electrophysiology Lab. In this period he acquired a particular competence in the fields of cardiac pacing and electrophysiology, developing clinical and scientific interest in the management of atrial fibrillation. He is working at the Clinica Cardiologica of the University Hospital of Padua as chief of the Interventistic Arrhythmology Unit. He is President of the Regional Council of the Associazione Italiana Aritmologia e Cardiostimolazione.
Affiliation: Dr. Verbrugge graduated as an MD in 2010 at the KU Leuven and Hasselt University (Belgium). He is currently working to obtain his PhD degree at Ziekenhuis Oost-Limburg (Genk, Belgium) under the mentorship of Prof. Dr. Wilfried Mullens. His primary research interests concern cardiac resynchronization therapy, hemodynamics, neurohormones and cardio-renal physiology. At his young age, Dr. Verbrugge has contributed over 30 articles to peer-reviewed journals and has written a book chapter in “Heart Failure: A companion to Braunwald’s heart disease”.
Affiliation: Associate prof. Nuotio is Head of Acute Internal Medicine Dept. and staff member in the Heart Center of Turku University Hospital. In research he is currently engaged in the FINCV (Finnish Cardioversion) study.
Affiliation: Prof. Sethi has been President of Cardiology Society of India and Member of Executive Council of Asia Pacific Society of Cardiology. He has been the editor of Indian Heart Journal, and is a member of the editorial board of Journal of Invasive Cardiac Electrophysiology. He has been awarded several national awards and orations. He is a Fellow of American College of Cardiology, Fellow of Cardiological Society of India, Fellow of Heart Rhythm Society (USA) and Fellow of Indian Society of Electrocardiology.
Affiliation: Dr. Vroomen graduated as a MD in 2012 at the Maastricht University (The Netherlands), and started working as SHO in cardiothoracic surgery at the Catharina Hospital in Eindhoven. After 1.5 years she switched to cardiology at the Maastricht University Medical Center, where she is currently working to obtain her PhD degree under the mentorship of Prof. Dr. Harry Crijns and Dr. Laurent Pison. Her primary research interest concerns hybrid AF ablation.
Affiliation: Dr. Moisés Rodríguez-Mañero has been an active EHRA fellow (European Heart Rhythm Association) in the Heart Rhytm Management Centre, Brussels, under the supervision of prof.
Affiliation: Prof. is working at the Deparment of Cardiology at Istanbul University Cardiology Institute, Istanbul/Turkey. Having completed M.D. at School of Medicine, Gazi University, Ankara/Turkey in 1995. He specialized in Internal Medicine, Cardiology and Physiology (Ph.D.). His major research areas are cardiac electrophysiology and ablation, interventional cardiology, cardiovascular physiology, exercise physiology, cardiac imaging (especially real-time 3D transoesophageal echocardiography) and cardiovascular Biomedical Engineering.
Affiliation: Institute of Cardiology, University of Bologna, Italy
Affiliation: Dr. Rolf is Assistant Professor of Medicine/Cardiology at the University of Leipzig-Germany and cardiac electrophysiologist at the Heart Center Leipzig-Germany (Prof. Hindricks). He completed training in Cardiology/Electrophysiology at the University of Muenster-Germany (Prof. Breithardt) and the Charité Berlin-Germany (Prof. Haverkamp). Her performs a broad spectrum of electrophysiologic procedures including catheter ablation of complex atrial and ventricular tachycardias as well as cardiac device implantations. Research interests include all aspects of interventional therapies of arrhythmias with particular interest in innovative strategies and novel technologies. He is EHRA member and reviewer of several EP journals.
Affiliation: Prof. Schotten is holding a Chair in Cardiac Electrophysiology at the University Maastricht and is Head of the CARIM Research Program Pathophysiology of Atrial Fibrillation. He is staff member of the Dept. of Physiology at Maastricht University and Principal Investigator of the Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht. He conducts studies on electrical, contractile, and structural remodeling in heart failure and atrial fibrillation.
Affiliation: Graduated from Lisbon University and trained in Cardiology at St Marta’s Hospital, in Lisbon. Prof. Mario Oliveira has a particular interest in cardiac electrophysiology, rhythm disorders, its control by catheter ablation and implantable devices. His post-graduation mastership was in Sports Medicine and his major research activities involve autonomic nervous system and arrhythmogenesis, particularly related to atrial fibrillation, heart failure, sudden cardiac death and syncope. Author/co-author of 90 papers and more than 300 abstracts, winner of 31 scientific prizes and member of several scientific societies. He is the Director of Pacing and Electrophysiology Unit at Santa Marta Hospital, Assistant Professor of Physiology and Principal Investigator at the Clinical and Translational Physiology Unit (Instituto de Medicina Molecular) in the Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon.
Affiliation: Prof Chu-Pak LAU, MD, FACC, FHRS Specialist in internal medicine Specialist in Cardiology Specialist in Critical Care Medicine.
Affiliation: Cardiologist Assoc. Prof. Of Medical Physiology Cardiac Electrophysiology Unit Laboratory of Experimental Electrophysiology
Affiliation: Director of Medicina Interna e post-chirurgica AOU Careggi , Florence . Associated Professor in Internal Medicine at University of Florence , Italy . Specialist in Cardiology . He is teacher of cardiology and internal medicine at University of Florence . He is member of the Working Group on Heart Failure of the European Society of Cardiology . Fellow of the ANMCO (Asssociazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Opsedalieri) . Particular field of interest are several aspects of atrial fibrillation , heart failure and physiopathology of pulmonary circulation.
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