Title: A Comparison Between Dabigatran and Warfarin on Time to Elective Cardioversion
Credits: Amanda N. Basto, Nathan P. Fewel, Rajiv Gupta, Eileen M. Stock, Mia Ta
Title: Structural and functional remodeling of the left atrium: clinical and therapeutic implications for atrial fibrillation
Credits: Rajeev Pathak, MBBS, Dennis H. Lau, MBBS, PhD, Rajiv Mahajan, MD, Prashanthan Sanders, MBBS, PhD.
Title: The Role of Pericardial and Epicardial Fat in Atrial Fibrillation Pathophysiology and Ablation Outcomes
Credits: Christopher X. Wong, MBBS, Rajiv Mahajan, MD, Rajeev Pathak, MBBS, Darragh J. Twomey, MBBS, Prashanthan Sanders, MBBS, PhD, FHRS
Title: Mortality Risk Associated with AF in Myocardial Infarction Patients
Credits: Dr Rajiv Sankaranarayanan MBBS, MRCP(UK)
Affiliation: Rajiv Gupta is an interventional cardiologist and Director of the Cardiac Catheterization Lab at Central Texas Veterans Health Care system in Temple, Texas. His research interests include radiation during interventional cardiac procedures and systems research.
Affiliation: Cardiologist and Electrophysiologist, Centre for Heart Rhythm Disorders, University of Adelaide, Royal Adelaide Hospital, SAHMRI, Australia.
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