Title: The Arrhythmic Substrate for Atrial Fibrillation in Patients with Mitral Regurgitation
Title: Extreme Obesity is Associated with Low Success Rate of Atrial Fibrillation Catheter Ablation
Credits: Toshimasa Okabe, MD, Benjamin Buck, MD, Samuel A. Hayes MD, Thura T.Harfi MD, MPH, Muhammad R. Afzal, MD, Jaret Tyler, MD, Mahmoud Houmsse, MD, Steven J. Kalbfleisch, MD, Raul Weiss, MD, John D. Hummel, MD, Ralph S. Augostini, MD, Emile G. Daoud, MD
Title: Successful Denovo Implantation and Explanation of an Old Malfunctioning Micratm Leadless Pacemaker
Credits: Muhammad R. Afzal, MD, Tawseef Dar, MD, Mahmoud Houmsse, MD, Ralph Augostini, MD, Emile G. Daoud, MD, John Hummel, MD#
Title: The Autonomic Nervous System and Atrial Fibrillation: The Roles of Pulmonary Vein Isolation and Ganglionated Plexi Ablation
Credits: Benjamin J. Scherlag, PhD, Hiroshi Nakagawa, M.D, Ph.D, Eugene Patterson, PhD, Warren M. Jackman, MD, Ralph Lazzara, MD, Sunny S. Po, MD, PhD
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