Title: The Mitral Inflow E/A Ratio Before The Procedure May Predict Late Recurrence in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Undergoing Cryoballoon Ablation
Title: Utility of Head up Tilt Table Testing to Demonstrate Selective Denervation of the Sinus Node after Cardioneuroablation
Title: Stepwise Approach to the Different Parts of Vasovagal Syncope in a Patient Undergoing Cardioneuroablation
Title: Can we Predict Vagal Response to Cryoballoon Application using Intracardiac Recordings?
Credits: Tolga Aksu MD,Tumer Erdem Guler, MD, Serdar Bozyel, MD, Kazı, m Serhan ozcan, MD, Kivanc Yalin, MD
Title: Atrial Fibrillation Ablation Using Magnetic Navigation Comparison With Conventional Approach During Long-Term Follow-Up
Credits: Tolga AKSU, Serdar BOZYEL, Ebru GOLCUK, Kıvanc YALIN, Tumer Erdem Guler
Title: Echocardiographic Predictors of Symptomatic Atrial Fibrillation In Patients with Rheumatic Mitral Stenosis and Normal Sinus Rhythm
Credits: Fahriye Vatansever Agca, Ozan Kinay, Mustafa Karaca, Muge Ildizli Demirbas, Serdar Biceroglu, Baris Kilicarslan, Cem Nazli, A. Oktay Ergene
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