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B. Weijs(4)Asirvatham Samuel J SJ(3)Alan S. Go, MD(3)
Charlotte Eitel, MD(3)Ayman A. Hussein, MD(3)Chamberlain AM(2)
Berenfeld Omer O(2)Caputo M(2)Chao TF(2)
Chen Peng-Sheng PS(2)Akira Fukui, MD(2)Albert Nancy M NM(2)
Andrade JG(2)Ajay K Jain(2)Cook G Elliott GE(2)
Botto GL(2)Bokeriia L A LA(2)Casella M(2)
Antonio Hernández-Madrid(2)Christian Sohns(2)Bengt Zöller(2)
Badger Troy J TJ(2)Charlotte Eitel(2)Blanke Philipp P(2)
Anné Wim W(2)Charlotte Warren-Gash(1)Calvert Patrick A PA(1)
Cleland John G F JG(1)Berry Jarett D JD(1)Al-Khatib Sana M SM(1)
Ahmed Humera H(1)Agarwal Shuchita S(1)Barrett-Connor E(1)
Aref A. Bin Abdulhak(1)Cortez-Dias Nuno N(1)Babuty D D(1)
Clem James R JR(1)Castellá Manuel M(1)Abdo Ashraf S AS(1)
Corino Valentina D A VD(1)Aakriti Gupta(1)Boll Stefanie S(1)
Badge Ravi R(1)Burashnikov Alexander A(1)Cohen-Lehman Janna J(1)
Chamorro A A(1)Andrikopoulos G(1)cas V.A. Boersma, MD, PhD(1)
Clare Teresa Oliver-Williams(1)Creswell Lawrence L LL(1)

Literature Related to De Martino Guiseppe G [Author]
  • Substrate and Trigger Ablation for Reduction of Atrial Fibrillation (STAR AF): a randomized, multicentre, international trial.

    Authors : Verma Atul A; Mantovan Roberto R; Macle Laurent L; De Martino Guiseppe G; Chen Jian J; Morillo Carlos A CA; Novak Paul P; Calzolari Vittorio V; Guerra Peter G PG; Nair Girish G; Torrecilla Esteban G EG; Khaykin Yaariv Y;

    Affiliations : Southlake Heart Rhythm Program, Southlake Regional Health Centre, 105-712 Davis Drive, Newmarket, Ontario, Canada L3Y 8C3.

    Journal : N/A   (2010)

    Related Links: Pubmed | Publisher website

  • In vivo porcine left atrial wall stress: Computational model

    Authors : Di Martino ES; Bellini C;

    Affiliations : Department of Civil Engineering and Centre for Bioengineering Research and Education, The University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N1N4 Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 403 220 4442; fax: +1 403 282 7026

    Journal : Journal of Biomechanics   (2011)

    Related Links: Pubmed | Publisher website

  • Morphological and mechanical examination of the atrial ‘intima’

    Authors :

    Affiliations : Heart and Vascular Institute, University of Pittsburgh, UPMC Presbyterian, B535, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 2582, USA Department of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA Department of Cell Biology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA Department of Civil Engineering and Centre for Bioengineering Research and Education, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada

    Journal : N/A   (2013)

    Related Links: Pubmed | Publisher website

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