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Deniz Karasoy(5)Fürnkranz Alexander A(2)Forclaz A(2)
Eikelboom John W JW(2)Danchin N(2)Dixit Sanjay S(2)
El-Chami Mikhael F MF(2)Fawzy Mohamed Eid ME(1)Folkeringa Richard J RJ(1)
Esteban Lopez-de-Sa, MD, FESC(1)Ding Ping P(1)Flaker Greg C GC(1)
Dilaveris Polychronis P(1)David Schwartzman(1)Fumagalli Stefano S(1)
Di Carlo Isidoro I(1)De-An Pei P(1)Dinh T(1)
Da Costa A A(1)Di Donna Paolo P(1)Donaldson David M DM(1)
Felipe Atienza, MD, PhD(1)Filardo Giovanni G(1)Edgerton James R JR(1)
Demkow Marcin M(1)Edmond M. Cronin(1)Fujii Shuichi S(1)
Deo Rajat R(1)Di Rocco JR(1)Deharo J-C JC(1)
Ellinor Patrick T PT(1)Eitel Charlotte C(1)ERACEing the Risk of Cerebral Embolism From Atrial Fibrillation Ablation(1)
deMelo Sissy Lara SL(1)Elbardissi Andrew W AW(1)Elayi Claude S CS(1)
Dag S Thelle(1)Fuchs Therese T(1)Diaz J J(1)
DeSena Holly C HC(1)Deneke T(1)Derval N N(1)
Dewire Jane J(1)Dziewierz Artur A(1)David G. Jones, MD(Res), MRCP(1)
Esmerio Francieli Giachini FG(1)Du Jianyang J(1)Dong Kan K(1)
Dr Jens Eckstein(1)Erden Ismail I(1)

Literature Related to Dizon Jos M JM [Author]
  • A comparison of atrial arrhythmias after heart or double-lung transplantation at a single center: insights into the mechanism of post-operative atrial fibrillation.

    Authors : Dizon José M JM; Chen Kimberly K; Bacchetta Matthew M; Argenziano Michael M; Mancini Donna D; Biviano Angelo A; Sonett Joshua J; Garan Hasan H;

    Affiliations : Department of Medicine, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, New York, New York, USA.

    Journal : J. Am. Coll. Cardiol.   (2009)

    Related Links: Pubmed | Publisher website

  • Changes in low right atrial conduction times during pulmonary vein isolation for atrial fibrillation: correlation with inducibility of typical right atrial flutter

    Authors : Dizon J; Biviano A; Whang W; Ehlert F;

    Affiliations : Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, Columbia University Medical Center, Columbia University, 630 West. 168th Street, New York, NY 10032, USA. Corresponding author. Tel: +1 914 428 3888; fax: +1 914 686 5366, Email:

    Journal : EP Europace   (2011)

    Related Links: Pubmed | Publisher website

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