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B. Weijs(4)Asirvatham Samuel J SJ(3)Alan S. Go, MD(3)
Charlotte Eitel, MD(3)Ayman A. Hussein, MD(3)Chamberlain AM(2)
Berenfeld Omer O(2)Caputo M(2)Chao TF(2)
Chen Peng-Sheng PS(2)Akira Fukui, MD(2)Albert Nancy M NM(2)
Andrade JG(2)Ajay K Jain(2)Cook G Elliott GE(2)
Botto GL(2)Bokeriia L A LA(2)Casella M(2)
Antonio Hernández-Madrid(2)Christian Sohns(2)Bengt Zöller(2)
Badger Troy J TJ(2)Charlotte Eitel(2)Blanke Philipp P(2)
Anné Wim W(2)Charlotte Warren-Gash(1)Calvert Patrick A PA(1)
Cleland John G F JG(1)Berry Jarett D JD(1)Al-Khatib Sana M SM(1)
Ahmed Humera H(1)Agarwal Shuchita S(1)Barrett-Connor E(1)
Aref A. Bin Abdulhak(1)Cortez-Dias Nuno N(1)Babuty D D(1)
Clem James R JR(1)Castellá Manuel M(1)Abdo Ashraf S AS(1)
Corino Valentina D A VD(1)Aakriti Gupta(1)Boll Stefanie S(1)
Badge Ravi R(1)Burashnikov Alexander A(1)Cohen-Lehman Janna J(1)
Chamorro A A(1)Andrikopoulos G(1)cas V.A. Boersma, MD, PhD(1)
Clare Teresa Oliver-Williams(1)Creswell Lawrence L LL(1)

Literature Related to Joan Kirschner, MSN, NP [Author]
  • Population-Based Study of ABCD2 Score, Carotid Stenosis, and Atrial Fibrillation for Early Stroke Prediction After Transient Ischemic Attack. The North Dublin TIA Study.

    Authors : Sheehan Orla C OC; Kyne Lorraine L; Kelly Lisa A LA; Hannon Niamh N; Marnane Michael M; Merwick Aine A; McCormack Patricia M E PM; Duggan Joseph J; Moore Alan A; Moroney Joan J; Daly Leslie L; Harris Dawn D; Horgan Gillian G; Williams Emma B EB; Kelly Peter J PJ;

    Affiliations : From the Neurovascular Clinical Science Unit.

    Journal : N/A   (2010)

    Related Links: Pubmed | Publisher website

  • Prenatal screening for major congenital heart disease: assessing performance by combining national cardiac audit with maternity data

    Authors :

    Affiliations : HMG Reader in Perinatal Cardiology Imperial College London, Hon Consultant at Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital, London, UK Department of Paediatric Cardiology, Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospital, NHS Foundation Trust Obstetrics and Gynecology, Texas Fetal Center, University of Texas at Houston IRDB, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London Heinrich-Heine-University Dusseldorf, Germany Cardiovascular Clinical Outcomes Group at Boston Children's Hospital Current Clinical Lead NICOR-Congenital, UK Immediate Past Lead Clinician for Congenital Cardiac Audit, NICOR, UK Tickers charity ( and co-ordinator of the fetal heart training programme Division of Cardiovascular Critical Care, Boston Children's Hospital Division of Cardiovascular Critical Care

    Journal : N/A   (2013)

    Related Links: Pubmed | Publisher website

  • Self-Care Guide for the Heart Failure Patient

    Authors : Joan Kirschner, MSN, NP;

    Affiliations : From the Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute, Los Angeles, CA.

    Journal : N/A   (2014)

    Related Links: Pubmed | Publisher website

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