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Author last name starts with
Miyazaki Shinsuke S(4)Matsuo Seiichiro S(3)McCarty Mark F MF(2)
Mohrs OK(2)McCarthy Patrick M PM(2)Oliveira Mário M(2)
Marcus Gregory M GM(2)Macedo Paula G PG(2)Namdar M(2)
McCready James W JW(2)Nikolaos Dagres(2)McManus David D DD(2)
Masateru Takigawa(2)Nault Isabelle I(1)Martin Martinek M(1)
Nof Eyal E(1)Mariam B. Choudhary(1)McLeod Christopher J CJ(1)
Moser M M(1)Magishi Katsuaki K(1)Michela Brambatti(1)
Ozyazicioglu A A(1)Nakanishi Naohiko N(1)Meinertz T T(1)
Nakaya Haruaki H(1)Meshkat N(1)Muayad Alasady, MBChB(1)
Muñoz-Martínez T T(1)Ozaydin Mehmet M(1)Müller Hajo H(1)
Nam Gi-Byoung GB(1)Mehmet Akkaya(1)Nattel Stanley S(1)
Mishra Akshay A(1)Mark J. Shen, MD(1)Oliva Nancy L NL(1)
Mansour Ziad Z(1)Olsson S Bertil SB(1)Mark Dustin G DG(1)
M Justin S Zaman(1)Olson Timothy M TM(1)Menown Ian A IA(1)
Metin Gokhan G(1)Manuel Castellá(1)Matsutani Hideyuki H(1)
Ogutu Peter P(1)Massimo Imazio, MD.(1)Macedo Paula Gonçalves PG(1)
Mariscalco Giovanni G(1)Mittal Mayank K MK(1)

Literature Related to Nikolaos Dagres [Author]
  • Left atrial appendage occlusion for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation in Europe: results of the European Heart Rhythm Association survey

    Authors :

    Affiliations : 1University of Birmingham Centre for Cardiovascular Sciences, City Hospital Birmingham, England, UK Second Cardiology Department, Attikon University Hospital, University of Athens, Athens, Greece Department of Cardiothoracic Science, University Hospital S. Maria della Misericordia, Udine, Italy Department of Cardiology, The Heart Centre, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen and The Danish National Research Foundation Centre for Cardiac Arrhythmia, Denmark Department of Cardiology, Maastricht University Medical Center, Maastricht, The Netherlands Department of Cardiology, Institution of Medical Science, Uppsala University, Sweden

    Journal : N/A   (2013)

    Related Links: Pubmed | Publisher website

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