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Miyazaki Shinsuke S(4)Matsuo Seiichiro S(3)Oliveira Mário M(2)
McCarthy Patrick M PM(2)Marcus Gregory M GM(2)Macedo Paula G PG(2)
Namdar M(2)Nikolaos Dagres(2)McCready James W JW(2)
McManus David D DD(2)Masateru Takigawa(2)McCarty Mark F MF(2)
Mohrs OK(2)Menown Ian A IA(1)Metin Gokhan G(1)
Manuel Castellá(1)Ogutu Peter P(1)Massimo Imazio, MD.(1)
Macedo Paula Gonçalves PG(1)Mariscalco Giovanni G(1)Matsutani Hideyuki H(1)
Massin Martial M MM(1)Mohanty S(1)Mahshid Dehghan, PhD;(1)
Moia Marco M(1)Mittal Mayank K MK(1)Mohammed Khaja S KS(1)
Osman Faizel F(1)Marco V Perez(1)Mu Hu-yati HY(1)
Montefusco Antonio A(1)Mauermann William J WJ(1)Michael R MacDonald1(1)
Multerer Sara S(1)Nedeltchev K K(1)Mykytsey Andrew A(1)
Maesen B(1)Meytal Avgil Tsadok, PhD;(1)Ma Chang-sheng CS(1)
Marín Francisco F(1)Nicoletti Giuseppe G(1)Neil S. Roskell(1)
Mazurek Michał M(1)McArthur Kate K(1)Nölker G(1)
Mabo Ph P(1)Meng Joyce J(1)Ng Jason J(1)
Masson S(1)Moreshwar S Desai(1)

Literature Related to Nilsson Brian B [Author]
  • Plasma YKL-40 is elevated in patients with recurrent atrial fibrillation after catheter ablation.

    Authors : Henningsen Kristoffer Mads KM; Nilsson Brian B; Johansen Julia S JS; Chen Xu X; Pehrson Steen S; Svendsen Jesper Hastrup JH;

    Affiliations : Department of Cardiology, Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory 2014, The Heart Centre, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, 2100, Copenhagen Ř, Denmark,

    Journal : N/A   (2009)

    Related Links: Pubmed | Publisher website

  • Increased NT-pro-B-type natriuretic peptide independently predicts outcome following catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation.

    Authors : Nilsson Brian B; Goetze Jens Peter JP; Chen Xu X; Pehrson Steen S; Svendsen Jesper Hastrup JH;

    Affiliations : Department of Cardiology, The Heart Centre, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen.

    Journal : Scand. J. Clin. Lab. Invest.   (2009)

    Related Links: Pubmed | Publisher website

  • Low atrial fibrillatory rate is associated with spontaneous conversion of recent-onset atrial fibrillation

    Authors :

    Affiliations : Department of Cardiology, Center for Integrative Electrocardiology at Lund University (CIEL), Lund, Sweden Arrhythmia Clinic, Skĺne University Hospital, Lund, Sweden Department of Internal Medicine, Skĺne University Hospital, Lund, Sweden Department of Cardiology, Skĺne University Hospital, Lund, Sweden

    Journal : N/A   (2013)

    Related Links: Pubmed | Publisher website

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