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Xue Zhao, MD, PhD(2)Workman Antony J AJ(2)Wieczorek Marcus M(2)
Winkle RA(2)Vestergaard Peter P(1)Vikman S(1)
Worthington John M JM(1)Vedovati Maria Cristina MC(1)Writing Group Members;(1)
Wong Dennis T DT(1)Werner Jacob J(1)Wang Z(1)
Virtanen Jyrki K JK(1)Wallace Thomas W TW(1)Vazquez Sara R SR(1)
Wichter Thomas T(1)Van Gelder IC(1)Vojácek J J(1)
Vande Kappelle R Peter RP(1)Wozakowska-Kaplon Beata B(1)Vivek Y. Reddy, MD(1)
Wagdi Philipp P(1)van der Harst Pim P(1)van Breugel H N A M HN(1)
Willoughby Scott R SR(1)Wandeler-Meyer K K(1)Wang M(1)
Venkataraman Ganesh G(1)Wang William W(1)Wang Qun-Shan QS(1)
Weitz Jeffrey I JI(1)Wizemann Volker V(1)Wasmer K(1)
Verma Atul A(1)van Hemel Norbert N(1)Viviani Anselmi Chiara C(1)
Veasey RA(1)Vollmann Dirk D(1)Weimar T T(1)
Vandermotte Valerie V(1)Weisse Allen B AB(1)Verheugt Freek W A FW(1)
Welles CC(1)Van den Driessche A A(1)Xue-Jun Ren R(1)
Wan Yi Y(1)Veasey Rick A RA(1)Willems S S(1)
Vermeulen Tom T(1)Verhamme P P(1)

Literature Related to Wilhelm M [Author]
  • Improving cardiac gap junction communication as a new antiarrhythmic mechanism: the action of antiarrhythmic peptides.

    Authors : Dhein Stefan S; Hagen Anja A; Jozwiak Joanna J; Dietze Anna A; Garbade Jens J; Barten Markus M; Kostelka Martin M; Mohr Friedrich-Wilhelm FW;

    Affiliations : Clinic for Cardiac Surgery, University of Leipzig, Struempellstr. 39, 04289, Leipzig, Germany,

    Journal : N/A   (2009)

    Related Links: Pubmed | Publisher website

  • Mutational analysis of the PITX2 and NKX2-5 genes in patients with idiopathic atrial fibrillation.

    Authors : Boldt Leif-Hendrik LH; Posch Maximilian G MG; Perrot Andreas A; Polotzki Michael M; Rolf Sascha S; Parwani Abdul S AS; Huemer Martin M; Wutzler Alexander A; Ozcelik Cemil C; Haverkamp Wilhelm W;

    Affiliations : Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Campus Virchow Klinikum, Department of Cardiology, Augustenburger Platz 1, 13353 Berlin, Germany.

    Journal : N/A   (2009)

    Related Links: Pubmed | Publisher website

  • Atrial Remodeling, Autonomic Tone, and Lifetime Training Hours in Nonelite Athletes

    Authors : Wilhelm M; Roten L; Tanner H; Wilhelm I; Schmid JP;

    Affiliations : Department of Cardiology, Division of Cardiovascular Prevention, Rehabilitation and Sports Cardiology, Inselspital, University Hospital and University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland. Tel: 41-31-632-8970; fax: 41-31-632-8977

    Journal : American Journal of Cardiology   (2011)

    Related Links: Pubmed | Publisher website

  • Atrial Remodeling, Autonomic Tone, and Lifetime Training Hours in Nonelite Athletes

    Authors : Wilhelm M; Roten L; Tanner H; Wilhelm I; Schmid JP;

    Affiliations : Department of Cardiology, Division of Cardiovascular Prevention, Rehabilitation and Sports Cardiology, Inselspital, University Hospital and University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland.

    Journal : American Journal of Cardiology   (2011)

    Related Links: Pubmed | Publisher website

  • Gender Differences of Atrial and Ventricular Remodeling and Autonomic Tone in Nonelite Athletes

    Authors : Wilhelm M; Roten L; Tanner H; Wilhelm I; Schmid JP;

    Affiliations : Division of Cardiovascular Prevention, Rehabilitation, and Sports Cardiology, Department of Cardiology, Inselspital, University Hospital and University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland.

    Journal : American Journal of Cardiology   (2011)

    Related Links: Pubmed | Publisher website

  • Atrial Remodeling, Autonomic Tone, and Lifetime Training Hours in Nonelite Athletes

    Authors : Wilhelm M; Roten L; Tanner H; Wilhelm I; Schmid JP;

    Affiliations : Department of Cardiology, Division of Cardiovascular Prevention, Rehabilitation and Sports Cardiology, Inselspital, University Hospital and University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland.

    Journal : American Journal of Cardiology   (2011)

    Related Links: Pubmed | Publisher website

  • Improvement of cerebral oxygen saturation after successful electrical cardioversion of atrial fibrillation

    Authors :

    Affiliations : Department of Cardiology, Charité – Universitaetsmedizin Berlin, Campus Virchow-Klinikum, Augustenburger Platz 1, 13353 Berlin, Germany Department of Nephrology and Intensive Care Medicine, Charité – Universitaetsmedizin Berlin, Campus Virchow-Klinikum, Berlin, Germany

    Journal : N/A   (2013)

    Related Links: Pubmed | Publisher website

  • Incidence, prevalence, and antithrombotic management of atrial fibrillation in elderly Germans

    Authors :

    Affiliations : Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology – BIPS, Achterstraße 30, D – 28359 Bremen, Germany Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Inhoffenstraße 7, D-38124 Braunschweig, Hannover, Germany Hannover Medical School, Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1, 30625 Hannover, Germany Division of Cardiology, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Augustenburger Platz 1, D – 13353 Berlin, Germany University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany

    Journal : N/A   (2013)

    Related Links: Pubmed | Publisher website

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