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Hello and thank you for your question. Fatigue can have many causes and one of them could be worsening heart function.Please have your physician or a cardiologist evaluate her as soon as feasible.
Hello and thank you for your question. Your symptoms of dizziness can have many causes and should be evaluated by your cardiologist or an electrophysiologist. I would do this at your earliest convenience.
Hello and thank you for your question. I think your mother may have worsening congestibve heart failure and this should be treated aggressively by her cardiologist. I would make this a priority.
Hello and thank you for your question. I think your physician is following appropriate guidelines but you can also discuss metoptrolol with him/her. Generally, the effective medicine for an individual patient shouldbe found and used as suggested.
Hello and thrank you fo your question. The symptoms are of concern and you should see a qualified physician. If an electrophysiologist is available, that would be best or a cardiologist could evaluate you and determine how to proceed. I would try to do this expeditiously.
Thank you for your question. UYnfortunately, there is limited response to medicines in valve issues of the heart and at some point valve repair and replacement become necessary in advanced valve disease. Your cardiolgoist can advise you on the right timing for such procedures
Thank you for your question. The use of marijuana is not without adverse effects on mood and behaviour. I would suggest you reconsider your use of this agent.
Thank you for your question. Your father in law should see a cardiologist expert in these matters to assess the need for heart surgery or other treatment.
No.of Questions Asked: 1141
No.of Questions Answered: 1096
Biosense Webster
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