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Please refer to my opinion above regarding surgical ablation procedures. But no matter what your choice will be, because of your symptoms and their impact on the quality of your life, you are an ideal candidate for ablation. You are still young and healthy not to pursue one of the options available for you. I urge you to meet with a surgeon and once with EP so you can make an informed decision. Make sure to choose an operator with a long track record of good outcomes and long follow up greater than 6 months.
Success rates vary from one operator to the other. In general left atrial size is a factor to be considered. The success rate could very high (in the 90%) while your LA is still within normal limits. I perform procedures both in California and in Austin, wherever more convenient for you. Please feel free to email Mrs Beheiry and she will be able to arrange your visits. Her email is
Afib is not uncommon following certain heart surgeries. It seems to me that you are healthy and relatively young and hopefully you have many years in front of you to live a healthy life. You have AF you have to worry about two main risks, Stroke and heart failure. You also have to assess the impact of AF on the quality of your life, meaning that whether or not you have symptoms which alter your life style.The advice of a good electrophysiologist can help you assess those risks and advise you on your best option. Dr Larry Chinitz at NYU is an excellent physician to consult with. Best of luck.
Ectopics are premature beats either from the atria (PAC) or from the ventricles (PVC). They are rarely harmful. However they may trigger some sustained arrhythmia as AF in your case. I agree with your doctor that Flecainide is perhaps a strong medication for a problem that is not serious. In many instances PVC can be ablated with great success. However an EKG showing the morphology of the PVCs can be very helpful to give a more accurate opinion.
It is not uncommon to have recurrence of AF within the first 3-4 months after the ablation procedure. I would wait another 2-3 weeks and see if you will have other recurrences before we determine the success or the failure of the procedure.
Daily multivitamins within the RDA are always recommended. Calcium is also very important for women who are approaching menopause. There are no long term effects of Coumadin or Sotalol that I am aware of. Side effects of these two medications are usually known while being taken.
No.of Questions Asked: 1141
No.of Questions Answered: 1096
Biosense Webster
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