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In the last 7-8 years, yes I had a few cases. The rate is less than 1% for mild or moderate Much less for severe. With the use of intracardiac echo, the risk is very low. I usually obtain a CT scan 3-4 months post ablation.
I have been performing Pulmonary vein antral isolation's (PVAIs) for 8 years and performed almost 3,800 procedures. The average success rate among all patients is around 94%. Many factors determine the success depending on the condition of the left atrium.
: It is very difficult for me to answer your first question since I do not know your AF burden, meaning I do not know the percentage of time your are in AF. A 24-hour Holter may not be enough to give us a complete account. But you also had 79 runs of what the Holter named SVT, which could very likely be atrial flutter. From your description above of the lesion they placed during the ablation, I have to assume that your arrhythmia was also atrial flutter, an arrhythmia strongly associated with Afib. Given your age and your history, I would agree that Coumadin may be necessary. As for your second question, probably taking two separate doses of 12.5 mg of Toprol instead of one 25 mg, will probably be more tolerated.
Unfortunately I am not aware of this herbal supplement. I would be interested to get more info and perhaps feedback from some people who have used it.
First, please make sure that your Thyroid replacement therapy is being followed and that your thyroid panel is normal. Then I would ask your cardiologist to give you some kind on monitoring device to record your heart rhythm for an extended period of time. In our practice we use a 21-day monitor to get a full picture of the arrhythmia activity and to try to correlate symptoms with rhythms.
No.of Questions Asked: 1141
No.of Questions Answered: 1096
Biosense Webster
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