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You should consult a cardiologist. If you are not on any drug that is harmful in pregnancy then you can have pregnancy. You need one aspirin a day.
Enlarge atria can occur due to various reasons such as high blood pressure, heart valve leak or heart failure. Prognosis depends upon the underlying disease condition.
You should consult a cardiac electriophysiologist. You need an antiarrhythic drug to prevent episodes of atrial fibrillation. If drugs fail then catheter ablation is a good choice for you. It can cure atrial fibrillation in approximately 2/3rd of people with atrial fibrillation.
No, the monitor just records the duration and frequency of atrial fibrillation. You will need a medicine to control it or a procedure called catheter ablation for cure of atrial fibrillation.
So long as you are not symptomatic, you are OK with irregular rhythm with heart rate in 80-90 beats/min, provided you are taking a blood thinner such as Coumadin. You should consult your doctor for further medical therapy or catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation. Catheter ablation can cure atrial fibrillation in about 65-70% patients.
Sometime disopyramide an antiarrhythmic drug works good for patients like you. You need to see an electrophysiologist for it. If it fails then catheter ablation may provide a cure for it. It has a reasonable success rate. The initial success rate is around 70% and after a repeat ablation (if needed) success rate is up to 85%.
Sometime disopyramide an antiarrhythmic drug works good for patients like you. You need to see an electrophysiologist for it. If it fails then catheter ablation may provide a cure for it. It has a reasonable success rate. The initial success rate is around 70% and after a repeat ablation (if needed) success rate is up to 85%.
No.of Questions Asked: 1141
No.of Questions Answered: 1096
Biosense Webster
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