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You have some chronotropic incompetence without symptoms. You may be perfusing your body well with this heart rate during exercise so you do not feel tired. Nothing to worry for now. If you start feeling tired in the future and your heart rate does not speed up with exercise, then a pacemaker will help.
There is not much in medical literature regarding yoga and afib. I personally feel that it will not be harmful, possibly will help.
There is usually no connection. Sometime frequent urination can occur after an episode of atrial fibrillation abates. It happens because in some people, there may be fluied retention during atrial fibrillation.
Dr. Mirakia, there are different techniques for atrial fibrillation. It also varies among the types of atrial fibrillation. At present the standard practice is single catheter ablation with another Lasso (circular catheter used to evaluate the pulmonary vein potentials via the left atrium. Success rate is very good in young patients. The risk for esophageal fistula is rare and is avoided by localizing the part of the left atrium adjacent to the esophagus by intracardiac ultrasound or putting a probe in esophagus during the procedure. We generally deceiver less energy in that region.
Atenolol slows the resting heart rate. However, you are taking a relatively low dose of atenolol. The purpose of atenolol therapy is to slow the heart rate during atrial fibrillation. During exercise, you may not achieve the target heart rate, but all the advantages of exercise remains essentially the same. You should also take one aspirin a day.
If the procedure is smooth usually patients can join wok within 3-4 days.
You should consult your primary physician. You may have mild anxiety, you should not loose muscle mass due heart disease you are describing. Other symptoms are do not seem to be of heart disease. Please let me know if your symptoms continue after you are evaluated by an internist.
Hyperthyroidism is a common cause of atrial fibrillation and there is a good chance that with correction of your hyperthyroidism, your atrial fibrillation will resolve. I think it is wise for you to follow the advice of your cardiologist. The thyroid problem remains the underlying cause, most likely, and so you should do everything they suggest to get that taken care of first. I think there is a good chance that you will not need to take all of these medicines in the long run once your thyroid problem is corrected. Surgery can be undertaken under proper medical guidance even if you are in atrial fibrillation.
No.of Questions Asked: 1141
No.of Questions Answered: 1096
Biosense Webster
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