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Medications are really important and you have to take always the blood pressure lowering drugs because your heart has to work with a minor load (due to blood pressure). You have to ask for an heart failure outpatient clinic visit in order to understand if the medical therapy is optimized or not. Avoid smoke and alcool.
If a doctor has prescribed marijuana smoke for pain, I suppose that the general hemodynamic status of your mother was satisfactory. I can only suggest you to monitor if your mother is having a regular clinical evaluation regarding her heart failure status.
Your daughter is probably experiencing some supraventricular arrhythmias as paroxysmal reentry tachycardia or extrabeats. Itīs important to record the ECG during the symptoms, maybe you could ask your doctor for a prolonged ECG monitoring. A cardiological/arrhythmological evaluation could be useful in order to perform the more appropriate therapy.
there are many drugs indicated for heart failure, diuretics are effective to reduce the retained fluids but id heart pump function or renal function are worsening maybe the dose (or drug type) is insufficient. He should undergo to a clinical evaluation and new therapy optimization.
Thromboembolic risk depends on several factors that are measured with a risk score (i.e. CHADS2 or a newer CHADS2Vasc scores), so what a good clinical practice should do is to tailor the approach in every single patient looking for a good balance among benefits and risks.
No.of Questions Asked: 1141
No.of Questions Answered: 1096
Biosense Webster
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