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yes, if there are the indications to a LAAC. It´s a good chance to use the transeptal access already obtained for AFib catheter ablation.
An irregular heartbeat could be due also to frequent ectopic beats during a normal sinus rhythm. Atrial fibrillation has and irregular electrical atrial activity that is conducted to ventricle determining an irregular heart beat. If you are asymptomatic, the heart rate is not too fast and the echocardiograms are normal, you could live with atrial fibrillation but it is mandatory to evaluate your thromboembolic risk and begin an anticoagulant therapy if indicated.
Aspirin has a role in preventing cardiovascular disease in high risk patients with multiple risk factors (as for example hypertension, diabetes, smoke ...). Being over 40years of age is not a good reason to take aspirin. Having Aspirin allergy is a good reason for NOT taking that drug. Lifestyle is very very important too (no smoke, do physical exercise, healthy food).
Sotalol and verapamil acts in different way and they are usually non prescribed together. The start of a therapy with sotalol can be done outpatient and during monitoring in hospital, it depends on basal resting ECG, underlying cardiopathy other concomitant drugs.
it depends on your age, medications, underlying cardiopathy and if the drop in blood pressure is acute or slow.
A BP at night of 95/55 should not be a concern. It depends on how many symptoms has your husband during low blood pressure. You should record the values on a notebook with time and current medications and discuss with your doctor if a change in the therapy is necessary.
Hi. The symptoms of your son could be related to some arrhythmias as ectopic beats. A single ECG when he\'s asymptomatic may not be useful. But it\'s important to document what\'s the cause of the symptoms (probably a benign arrhythmia due to growth but it\'s better to make a diagnosis) and to assess that heart function is normal.
None of the drugs can directly be arrhythmogenic but if you are in therapy with them I can argue that you are affect by some degree of cardiopathy (at least hypertensive) that can be the explanation for arrhythmias. Many of the drugs (expecially the sodium valproate) are metabolized by the liver, so it makes sense to avoid alcohol as much as possible.
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No.of Questions Answered: 1096
Biosense Webster
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