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Hallo. A baby having atrial flutter should be evaluated by a pediatric cardiologist and an echocardiogram should be made. Many different causes can be related to atrial flutter and an echocardiogram can help the diagnosis. A temperature of 74 F is too low.
Dear Charlotte, I think ablation could be an option. Need to have more details about your heart disease to assess chances of procedure. Eliquis is very expensive, Warfarin is ok of INR 2-3.
This is complex, you need a cardiac and pneumo work up; you have to clarify the reason for water on the heart; is it myocarditis? is it heart failure due to impaired left ventricular pump function? good advice without knowing that
Please wait a minimum of 6 weeks (other say even 3 months) until you start to evaluate the clinical outcome. Please use your symptoms on one hand (can be combined with an external event recorder) and a Holter ECG (24 h or up to 7 days)
No.of Questions Asked: 1141
No.of Questions Answered: 1096
Biosense Webster
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