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First of all you need a cardiac work up checking for coronary artery disease; this work-up consists of ECG and Echocardiography tests, like stress ECG and stress Echo. So first, you need a cardiac work-up; the type of pain you describe can also be generated by other organs like gastric inflammation or spinal causes.
This sound like a venous obstruction of the vena cava superior as a response to pacemaker lead implantation. This is a significant and difficult situation as far as vena cava is affected and not only peripheral veins. Two things have to be discussed: Either wait and watch hoping that collateral pathways are formed over time; in case of high degree stenosis of the vena cava, lead explantation migth be an option. You need a trained EP and device specialist to discuss thise traetment modalities.
Bisoprolol is a beta blocker used to treat fast heart rythms. You would need further investigations with 24 hour heart rythm monitoring to diagnose your rythm abnormality.
From what you describe it is possible that you are experiencing ventricular ectopic beats (extra beats originating from lower chambers of the heart) or your heart rates are on the slower side. However definitive diagnosis can only be made by reviewing the holter monitor recordings.
You need further investigations with exercise testing and echocardiogram in the first instance. If your symptoms are very infrequent but distressing you could discuss with your cardiologist about implantable loop recorder implantation. This device would aid in the diagnosis of your heart rythm abnormality.
Your doctor would carry out a detailed history taking followed by clinical examination. You will need further investigations such as EKG/ Holter monitoring/ Echocardiogram etc. You would also need some blood tests.
Atrial fibrillation ablation is a complex procedure. It carries a 1-3% risk of cardiac complications such as cardiac perforation/ stroke/ bleeding/ heart attack and extremely rarely (probably less than 1 in 1000) risk of death.
You need some urgent investigations with ECG/echocardiogram (ultrasound scan of the heart) and coronary angiogram (although other causes such as cervical spine disease need to be ruled out).
No.of Questions Asked: 1141
No.of Questions Answered: 1096
Biosense Webster
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