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Yes. Afib that goes back into normal rhythm is called paroxysmal. It will likely come back at some time though. If you have stroke risk factors (diabetes, high blood pressure, previous stroke atc.) then medications like Pradaxa and Coumadin reduce the risk of stroke. Rhythm medications and ablation are used to reduce the frequency of the afib.
This is an issue that is best treated by a rhythm doctor. Electrophysiology studies and ablations do carry risks but major complications are usually less than 1 percent for such ablations. An ablation may actually cure our condition.
For disclosure, I still consult for them. I do use and love the technology particularly for complex mapping procedures. I do not think that it will be widely adopted until it can be placed into currently constructed labs at an acceptable cost. It is mostly limited to places that are building new construction or significantly restructuring a facility.
I think pill in a pocket is not an unreasonable way to start. It has minimal risk in someone with a normal heart. It sounds like you are a good candidate for ablation. The time to do it is when, you feel that the symptoms warrant the risk of the procedure (real but infrequent). I would fail a medication first. (meaning either not tolerating or does not work).
In general less than 2 drinks per day is not considered harmful. It is important to maintain a healthy diet, weight, and cholesterol.
There are many causes of chest pain. I would suggest an evaluation by a cardiologist.
No.of Questions Asked: 1141
No.of Questions Answered: 1096
Biosense Webster
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