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Chest pains can have many causes. An ep study is an electrical evaluation of the heart and is the most definitive test overall. If your rhythm is normal during your symptoms, then it is not likely rhythm related.
In general, 2 drinks or less per day may have some beneficial effects. The benefits are usually not considered as robust as most medications and other lifestyle changes. Good job with the diet.
Drugs can have bad effects on the heart. Certainly, these should be avoided. Anytime your pulse stays elevated with symptoms, you should be evaluated by a physician.
It sound like your step father has significant blockages in the blood vessels supplying his heart both the natural vessels and the bypass grafts. It also sounds like he has artery blockages in the leg and neck. The doctors may be concerned about the risk of further procedures. Having many significant blockages and a reduced pumping function of the heart is a serious condition, but people can sometimes do well with medications and diet. The doctors taking care of him or the hospital may have services to discuss his status with you if he gives permission.
No.of Questions Asked: 1141
No.of Questions Answered: 1096
Biosense Webster
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