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I am sorry to hear about your brother. I am not sure I understand the question, but a pacemaker is used for slow heart rates and occasionally to improve heart failure symptoms. Infection is one of the most common complications. The arm swelling could be from a clot that formed when the wires were placed in the vein for the pacemaker. Blood thinners are usually used to treat this.
Angina is usually associated with artery blockages but can be seen without major blockages. She should be evaluated for blockages. Regarding valves, angina is usually only associated with a very tight valve and not leaky valves as often. Cardiologist usually evaluate the valves by physical exam and ultrasound.
There is some suggestion that ginseng may interfere with Warfarin. It is recommended not to take both. A neurologist has other medications that may help, that can be used with Warfarin.
I would suspect that anxiety does have something to do with it. Showering itself is not a major stressor to the heart unless the water is very hot or cold. Regular exercise (5 days a week, 40 minutes or more, getting your heart rate to greater than 70 percent predicted) reduces the baseline heart rate and makes it less likely to go higher with minimal stress.
Cryoablation in particular has no indication. It is simply an ablation technique. Ablation for atrial fibrillation is indicated in patients with symptoms who have failed a rhythm drug.
No.of Questions Asked: 1141
No.of Questions Answered: 1096
Biosense Webster
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