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You could consider reablation as this could suppress both the PACs and the pauses. Some physicians could recommend to implant a PM if the pauses are significant but it would make more sense to me to repeat the ablation procedure.
The impact of smoking is limited on AF and there have been very few studies on that. None on passive smoking.
The values of your ECG parameters have to be validated by a doctor as the automatic measurements by the machine are sometimes wrong. If confirmed, I would suggest to stop Multaq. The change in your arrhythmia is likely to be due to an incomplete effect of the drug that has organized your AF (into atrial flutter) and shortened atrial fibrillation to some episodes that are now not exciding the simplest form: PACs. But this is not improving your quality of life, as frequently observed, AA drugs are not perfect. AMiodarone would be more effective but at 66 years old, you may be too young and the chances for developing significant side effects are high!
A valvular AF usually requires a significant Valvular disease as the concept is that the changes in hemodynamics are responsible for changes in the atria and therefore AF. As a consequence, a grade 2 valvular disease is the minimum and a higher grade is more likely to be responsible for the AF. Mitral valve is much more frequently concerned than Aortic.
Not to the best of my knowledge but I doubt this would work as once AF as started, it remodels the atria and favours recurrences. Prevention would be safer.
No.of Questions Asked: 1141
No.of Questions Answered: 1096
Biosense Webster
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