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You may be developing bronchospasm from smoking. stop smoking and if the symptoms persist you should see your Primary care physician. make sure it is not gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD
Please do upper GI manometry and sham feeding test. This will help us asses the true integrity of the GI vagal innervation. Usually the transient GI dysmotility gets better by 3 months post ablation. it is rather unusual to see persistent nausea.
oftentimes it is very common. please make sure he doesn't have any structural abnormalities of the chest cage. Good luck.
A heart beat of 199 is not normal even for a pregnant. So something is obvviously wrong with your heart. So please see a cardiologist or your internist as soon as possible.
Usually when some one is asleep the heart rate should go down. since he doesn't do that you may want to take him to a primary care physician first and figure out what is going on and then consult an EP specialist if needed
There is a possibility that you may be having an arrhythmia. It is important to get what we call an event monitor which can monitor your heart for more than 48 hours. Sometimes people can have what we call postural tachycardia and or inappropriate sinus tachycardia and these two diagnoses of exclusion, Keep up your appointments with your doctors and get it resolved.
No.of Questions Asked: 1141
No.of Questions Answered: 1096
Biosense Webster
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