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I cannot help you as I don’t know the paper. There is no reason for such a manoeuvre to work consistently apart that this is an effort and in some patients, exercising or being active will terminate some of the episodes. This is due to a shift of the autonomic balance toward the adrenergic tone which is less arrythmogenic than the vagal one.
This relates to the size of the entry. Surgery can be performed using an open chest approach or a minimally invasive approach with few holes. Different approaches have been used, with incisions from few centimetres to pin points of one and half cm.
Ablation is certainly a good idea, even if it’s the 3rd one. I suspect that the first 2 were only PVI, And now, you need more as you have a persistent AF. With details such as the size of your left atrium, a surface ECG and the duration of uninterrupted AF I could give you an idea of the chances for a successful ablation. I don’t think that the other hypothesis like acid oxcilic or kidneys will help.
Afib people are less likely to become centenary as they have a significantly increased mortality rate.
Get the pulse, see the respiration pattern. Your word of heart attack means sudden heart rate up or any other one ? or acute myocardial infarction?
No.of Questions Asked: 1141
No.of Questions Answered: 1096
Biosense Webster
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