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I am not sure how to explain all of your symptoms, but I think it would be important for you to start seeing a doctor and sorting these out. I would start with an internist / family physician, but some attention should be paid to figuring out your symptoms of heart pounding (like with a monitor)
I think that it is important for you to be evaluated by a cardiologist, or better still an electrophysiologist. These symptoms sound as though they are related to an arrhythmia, and treatment to make you feel better is available.
It is very difficult to interpret events that have happened only a single time. It might be that you had a viral illness, and all of the other symptoms were in reaction to this. It might be that you have an arrhythmia, but some arrhythmias are transient and unlikely to recur. I think you should not be frightened by these symptoms (even though that is a very natural response) as they are absolutely treatable and not dangerous. It may well be that you never feel this way again though
It depends on where the clot formed exactly, but it is unusual to form blood clots on coumadin therapy. It may be that his coumadin is not well regulated, or that he has a clotting disorder. This is the sort of thing that should certainly be investigated
No.of Questions Asked: 1141
No.of Questions Answered: 1096
Biosense Webster
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