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Numbness in the hands and feet is often a symptom of anxiety. There is no cardiovascular reason for you to have it. Sometimes neurological conditions can cause numbness as well.
I would suggest that you see a neurologist. This can also be a symptom of anxiety
Atrial fibrillation is a pretty broad topic! It is difficult to answer such an open ended question. Atrial fibrillation is many different things to different people. I would need to know more about you to answer your questions.
I am a cardiologist and really have expertise only in this field. It does not sound like these symptoms have anything to do with the cardiovascular system. I think you should discuss this problem with your internist or family practitioner.
At my program, we tell patients with long lasting persistent AF that the likelihood of being free from AF after a single procedure without antiarrhythmic medications is approximately 50%. This is probably difficult to hear, but important to understand. Persistent AF can be treated, but requires a lot of persistence from both patient and doctor
It is very difficult to predict the chances of getting permanent AF without knowing more details about your condition. Furthermore, it is difficult to predict whether permanent AF will be a clinical problem for you -- many patients with permanent AF are asymptomatic.
The choice between Coumadin and aspirin depends on individual characteristics of each patient. Coumadin is a trade name, warfarin is the generic (chemical) name.
Extreme iron overload (a condition called hemochromatosis) is associated with atrial fibrillation. This is an unusual condition. I am not aware that less extreme iron overload is associated with atrial fibrillation
No.of Questions Asked: 1141
No.of Questions Answered: 1096
Biosense Webster
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